Land Art Generator Initiative
Reasons we think Land Art Generator Initiative is Awesome! One of the early pioneers of the Power Culture movement, Land Art Generator works in the space where place making and energy generator come together. They have produced hugely influential books and run inspirational competitions that have changed the way that may see what might be possible in the future and also providing opportunities for creatives, engineers, architects, communities and others to collaborate on projects that wouldn’t have come about without them.
We are so excited by their proposition that infrastructure can be beautiful.
“The goal of the Land Art Generator is to accelerate the transition to post-carbon economies by providing models of renewable energy infrastructure that add value to public space, inspire, and educate—while providing equitable power to homes around the world.”
We particularly enjoy their publications and the artworks they’ve pioneered.
This text and images below are copied from Land Art Generator’s website:
Beyond the Wave, a submission to LAGI 2014 Copenhagen
Jaesik Lim, Ahyoung Lee, Sunpil Choi, Dohyoung Kim, Hoeyoung Jung, Jaeyeol Kim, Hansaem Kim (Heerim Architects & Planners)
Energy Technologies: organic thin film
Annual Capacity: 4,229 MWh
The Land Art Generator engages the public in the co-design of our clean energy future, bringing together the disciplines of public art, urban planning, creative placemaking, renewable energy, and environmental justice.
We provide context-specific and culturally-relevant design solutions for distributed clean energy that reflect the needs of local communities through design competitions, direct commissions, calls for proposals, Solar Mural artworks, and participatory co-design projects for people of all ages.
Any creative placemaking opportunity can also be a climate solution.