Let’s Change Culture: What Could We Learn?

Adapting for a Sustainable Future

In our ongoing "Let's Change Culture" series, we explore the critical question: What could we learn to effectively address climate change?

A group of over 60 creatives across the city contributed to the development of this series through a consultation process with The Art and Energy Collective supported by Plymouth Culture.

This collection is intended to be added to - So please feel free to add links or comments below to support each other to grow and develop.

This instalment delves into the skills, knowledge, and changes necessary to build a sustainable future. By choosing an area of interest, enhancing our abilities, and integrating nature into our decision-making, we can make meaningful strides towards environmental sustainability.

Choosing Your Area of Interest: Give Things a Go

To make a significant impact, start by identifying an area that resonates with you. Whether it’s community engagement, renewable energy, or local restoration projects, focusing on your passion will drive your commitment and effectiveness. Here are some steps to get started:

Identify Your Passion

  • Reflect on what aspects of climate change and sustainability interest you the most.

  • Consider your existing skills and how they can be applied to this area.

Set Goals

  • Define clear, achievable goals for what you want to learn and accomplish.

  • Outline steps and milestones to track your progress.

Take Action

  • Begin with small, manageable projects to build confidence and experience.

  • Engage with local organisations, attend workshops, and participate in relevant initiatives.

Enhancing Skills and Building Capacity

To address climate change effectively, investing in skill development and capacity building is essential. Here are key areas to focus on:

Climate Science

  • Training: Enrol in courses and workshops to deepen your understanding of climate science.

  • Resources: Utilise online platforms, such as Coursera and edX, which offer courses from leading universities including the Sustainable Earth Institute at the University of Plymouth.

Communication Techniques

  • Workshops: Participate in training sessions focused on effective communication strategies.

  • Practice: Develop skills in public speaking, writing, and digital content creation to articulate climate issues compellingly.

Digital Media Production

  • Tools: Learn to use digital media tools like video editing software, social media platforms, and graphic design applications.

  • Projects: Create and share digital content to raise awareness and mobilize communities.

Community Engagement

  • Networking: Build relationships with local groups, attend community meetings, and collaborate on projects.

  • Techniques: Study community engagement strategies to effectively involve and empower local populations.

Advocacy Strategies

  • Training: Attend advocacy training sessions to learn how to influence policy and engage with decision-makers.

  • Resources: Leverage guides and toolkits from advocacy organisations to develop effective campaigns.

Integrating Nature into Decision-Making

Putting nature at the forefront of our decisions ensures that environmental considerations are integral to our actions.

Nature as a Stakeholder

  • Inclusion: Treat nature as a key stakeholder in all decision-making processes.

  • Representation: Appoint individuals or committees to advocate for nature’s interests in organizational settings.

Supporting Local Regeneration and Restoration

  • Projects: Participate in or support local regeneration and restoration projects that enhance biodiversity and ecosystem health.

  • Partnerships: Collaborate with conservation groups, local governments, and community organisations.

Understanding Local Businesses, Heritage, and Resources

  • Research: Study the local economic landscape, heritage, and natural resources.

  • Engagement: Work with local businesses to promote sustainable practices and celebrate cultural heritage.

Transitioning to Renewable Energy

Switching to renewable energy sources is crucial for reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainability.

Community Energy

  • Initiatives: Support or establish community energy projects to produce and share renewable energy locally.

  • Education: Inform the community about the benefits and logistics of renewable energy sources.

Efficiency Improvements

  • Audits: Conduct energy audits to identify opportunities for improving energy efficiency in heating, lighting, and appliances.

  • Upgrades: Implement energy-efficient technologies and practices in homes and businesses.

Sustainable Practices

  • Transport: Promote the use of public transport, cycling, and electric vehicles.

  • Waste Management: Advocate for recycling, composting, and reducing single-use plastics.

  • Water Conservation: Implement water-saving measures and promote sustainable water management practices.

Learning from Our Pre-Industrial Heritage

Our pre-industrial heritage offers valuable lessons in sustainability and resource management.

Traditional Practices

  • Study: Research traditional farming, building, and community practices that were inherently sustainable.

  • Adopt: Integrate these practices into modern contexts where applicable.

Cultural Knowledge

  • Engagement: Engage with local historians, cultural groups, and indigenous communities to learn about sustainable traditions.

  • Documentation: Document and share these practices to preserve and promote their use.

Embracing New Technologies and Developments

Innovation and new technologies play a vital role in addressing climate change.

Emerging Technologies

  • Research: Stay informed about new technologies and developments in renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and waste management.

  • Adoption: Pilot and adopt innovative solutions that can enhance sustainability.

Digital Tools

  • Platforms: Utilise digital platforms for education, advocacy, and community engagement.

  • Innovation: Experiment with new formats and tools to reach broader audiences and drive action.

Addressing climate change requires a commitment to learning, adaptation, and action. By focusing on your area of interest, enhancing your skills, and integrating nature into decision-making, you can contribute meaningfully to building a sustainable future. Embrace both traditional knowledge and new technologies, and always be open to learning and evolving your approach.

Stay tuned for more insights and practical tips in our "Let's Change Culture" series, where we continue to explore the intersection of art, activism, and environmental sustainability. Together, we can inspire and create positive change.

Remember! This collection is intended to be added to - So please feel free to add links or comments below to support each other to grow and develop.


Let’s Change Culture: Navigating Climate Denial


Let’s Change Culture : But do we have to?