Art and Energy take part in Devon Open Studios

On Friday 15th and Saturday 16th September, Art and Energy opened our studio space to visitors as part of the Devon Open Studios 2023 event.

We welcomed in visitors and passers-by and encouraged them to get involved with The Mossy Carpet, our new co-created artwork. The Mossy Carpet was unfurled in the workshop space of our studio and was proudly on display for the duration of the event.

Everyone visiting was asked to help make woolly pompoms or textile tufts for The Mossy Carpet, using repurposed wool from local scrapstores and charity shops. These pompoms were then sewn on to The Mossy Carpet, joining hundreds others created by people participating in our events over the summer.

Thank you to everyone who visited us and joined in. Our studio is part of Positive Light Projects in Exeter and we opened the doors to the workshop space for this event. Thank you to Devon Community Foundation who funded our Devon Open Studios events.


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