#Tell the tardigrade - cargo bike

1,000 - Miles travelled by cargo bike
a saving of 355kg of CO2 compared to using my petrol car!

Last spring we borrowed a cargo bike as part of the PCC Connect Plymouth commission. You might have spotted it out in Plymouth, or in photos in blogs on here… we particularly enjoyed using it to deliver activities from - a portable creative engagement station!

As the cargo bike loan scheme was coming to an end, I (Jenny) was able to buy the bike. Since then I’ve been using it out and about around Plymouth. I’ve used it to

  • deliver Art and Energy workshops

  • transport my groceries

  • carry my children and dogs on family adventures and walks

  • take litterpicking kit to local Clean Our Patch events

  • help out clearing brambles from the Chaddlewood Subway project

  • and more….

I’ve found a few steep hills around Plymouth that I struggle with, but otherwise the Urban Arrow cargo bike is a fantastic way to travel. Previously I was trying to leave the car at home and use my bicycle, but I was frequently limited by how much stuff I could carry in my panniers. This is an electric bike, so it gives me a boost going up hills, though I try to minimise my use of the battery and make the most of my own energy.

I also find it great for my physical and mental wellbeing, I particularly enjoy cycling home along the shared path by the river at Saltram - listening to the birds, watching the happy dogs and families out for a stroll, out there in the sunshine or rain… I also have to confess to joy when I’m skimming past traffic jams on the roads!

With the bike I find it easier to ‘just pop into town’, visiting Plymouth market to shop from small independent businesses, visit the library, and (a bit more dangerous with the cargo bike) visit my favourite place - Plymouth Scrapstore (it’s surprising what you can fit in the cargo box!).

I’ve been meaning to write a blog about this for ages. Last month I took the cargo bike back into Bikespace for a service, and realised that since first collecting it 15 months ago, I’ve cycled just over 1,000 miles. My dad and I crunched some numbers, and found that this equates to approximately a saving of 355kg of carbon compared to using my petrol car!

I have to confess to still choosing the car if the weather’s really bad, and I am still limited by what I can carry compared to the car, but I feel rather chuffed with myself. This is just one small change I’m making towards a brighter greener future - we’d love to hear about yours #tellthetardigrade

If you would like to find out more about cargo bikes then I’d encourage you to search for a local bike shop - Bikespace CIC are based in Plymouth and are so much more than just sales and servicing… a huge thank you to Gareth and his team for helping me to get out and about on two wheels!!!


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