Creatives Responding to the Climate Emergency: Let's Change Culture Series - Plymouth

Welcome to the first instalment of our "Let's Change Culture" series, where we explore how creatives in Plymouth are responding to the climate emergency. This series will highlight the innovative efforts and inspiring stories of artists, designers, and cultural leaders who are using their talents to address one of the most pressing issues of our time.

Plymouth: A Hub of Creative Climate Action

Plymouth, known for its rich maritime history and vibrant cultural scene, is becoming a beacon of sustainability and environmental activism. The city's creative community is at the forefront of this movement, using art and culture as powerful tools to raise awareness, inspire change, and foster a sustainable future.

You can take a look at the work of “Plymouth Culture” to find out more about how the culture sector is developing in this vibrant city.

Art as Activism

Artists in Plymouth are turning their creative talents towards environmental activism, producing works that not only highlight the urgency of the climate crisis but also propose imaginative solutions. From public art installations to interactive exhibitions, these artists are engaging the community in meaningful conversations about sustainability.

One notable example is the "JarSquad" project, an art work that connects the dots between food waste, climate action, and combating social isolation. The squad feel that sharing and working together is a lost art. They love using JarSquad as a space to practice being-and-working together more in community. 

Sustainable Design

Designers in Plymouth are also playing a crucial role in the fight against climate change. By embracing sustainable practices and materials, they are redefining what it means to create in an eco-friendly manner. Whether it's fashion designers using recycled fabrics or architects designing energy-efficient buildings, Plymouth's design community is proving that sustainability and creativity go hand in hand.

For instance, the "Green Makers" initiative fosters a culture of creativity and sustainability, Craft Makers based in the Southwest can become pledged Green Makers by signing up to the Green Maker Initiative (GMI), which provides support and advice for crafts individuals and groups committed to reducing their environmental impact.

Community Engagement

The creative sector in Plymouth is deeply committed to engaging the local community in climate action. Workshops, community art projects, and educational programs are just a few ways that creatives are involving residents in the sustainability movement. These initiatives not only raise awareness but also empower individuals to take action in their own lives.

An important member of the sustainable creativity scene in Plymouth is “Plymouth Scrapstore” who are a home for playful creativity in the community! Promoting play through craft and sustainability, the organisations supports people to turn waste into valued materials for creativity.

Collaborations and Partnerships

Collaboration is at the heart of Plymouth's creative response to the climate emergency. . Artists, designers, cultural institutions, and environmental organizations are joining forces to amplify their impact. These partnerships are resulting in innovative projects that address climate change from multiple angles, demonstrating the power of collective action.

Plymouth’s Recent Green Trail organised by “Climate Connections” is a prime example of such collaboration. This event brought together creatives, activists, and community members for a series of workshops, performances, and exhibitions focused on climate action. By providing a platform for diverse voices and ideas, the festival fosters a sense of shared responsibility and collective empowerment.

Join Us in Changing Culture

As we embark on this series, we invite you to join us in celebrating and supporting the creatives in Plymouth who are making a difference. Their work not only enriches our cultural landscape but also plays a crucial role in shaping a sustainable future for all.

Stay tuned for our next installment, where we'll dive deeper into the specific projects and stories of Plymouth's creative climate champions. Together, let's change culture and create a more sustainable world.


Let’s Change Culture: Where to Start?


Is Peat Good or Bad? Conversations while getting close to moss and making The Mossy Carpet at Glastonbury Festival