Poetic Inspiration from Moss

Moss by Caroline Collingridge

I’m down in the foss

Where the moss child grows.

Where the slime and the mould

And the wind howls and blows.

On the arms of stems green

A marvel to be seen,

The sheen, the keen

Bright eyes that have been.

I’ve known you forever

Before I was born.

On the rocks you clung on

The dusk, night and the dawn.

Tiny tendrils poke out

Bog moss sucks with its snout,

The water, the vapour,

The rain all about.

It stores it, claws it

Down to the bottom

The earth truly sodden

Like mattresses of cotton.

So soft, I would wear you

Make silk garments of blue dew

A crown so majestic

You grew it, who knew?

© C. Collingridge 05.09.22


Caroline is a Plymouth Energy Community (PEC Pals) creative volunteer and has joined us for weekly workshops since mid August. She became so inspired by moss that she wrote a poem which she read out to us on Harford Moor during our visit in October.


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