IUCN Peatland Conference 2024

Art and Energy’s Naomi has caught the train to Aviemore, Scotland for the IUCN UK Peatland Conference.

Travelling ahead of her by trusted courier is a roll of several metres of The Mossy Carpet to display at the conference and to encourage engagement in peatland and moss inspired creativity.

Naomi will be attending the full conference event and is sharing live updates and insights via our various social media channels.

If you’re local to Aviemore then on Tuesday 17th September you can visit the Osprey Arena and Auditorium, Macdonald Aviemore Resort, for an evening of Peatland exhibition and cinema featuring a variety of peatland inspired arts based projects from all over the UK. This special event is free of charge and open to members of the public - all welcome.

We’re looking forward to hearing more from Naomi as the conference progresses!


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