Let’s Change Culture Resources: Climate Creative’s Challenge

The Art and Energy Collective’s How to Bury the Giant programme was Highly Commended in The Climate Creatives Challenge - Challenge 02 - ECOLOGICAL CHANGE which explored - How can we communicate the impacts of climate change on a  HABITAT  and/or  SPECIES  and the benefits of mitigation, adaptation and resilience?

The CLIMATE CREATIVES CHALLENGE is a global initiative serving as a catalyst for innovation in climate communication. This international design competition, supports new and novel approaches for communicating the impacts of climate change and the benefits of mitigation, adaptation and resilience. Each 6-12 months they host a new challenge topic. You can see the new challenge on their website: The Climate Creatives Challenge This is free to enter.

Why was it created?

It’s creator, Ed Barsley, Founder of 'The Environmental Design Studio' (TEDS) said;

​"I was inspired by the book 'Citizens' which discusses ways of creating mechanisms that can help others have impact and effect change. It was whilst reflecting on that theme that the idea for the Climate Creatives Challenge emerged. A place where anyone could share an idea and in which innovative approaches to climate communication could be showcased.

Each time we run a challenge there is that sense of the unknown as to what will emerge, and every single time I'm astounded at the quality and variety of entries that come in. What I find particularly refreshing is that it really reminds us, and reveals to us just how many different ways there are to communicate a complex topic. Context is key and strategies for adaptation and the ways in which we communicate need to be tailored accordingly. I'd like to thank all who have entered challenges and those that have read and engaged with the compendiums. We urgently need to act and adapt. The calls to action and strategies for adaptation showcased throughout this initiative are becoming ever more pertinent."


1st place     £1,000 

​2nd place     £750 

​3rd place      £500 

+​ 20 x Commendations of £250


Wet and Mossy walk to Trowlesworthy Tors, Dartmoor


Let’s Change Culture: Navigating Climate Denial