Looking closely at mosses: Creative Challenge March 2023

Catch up on our creative challenge launch event

In March 2023, Art and Energy launched their monthly creative challenges through the new Bury the Giant Club, an online creative community which is open to all. Our first creative challenge was to look closely at mosses and record what you find.

Listen to Art and Energy’s Naomi as she talks about looking closely at moss

This month we challenge you to look closely at mosses. You can do this right outside your front door, in a local park, or further afield. Mosses are so easily overlooked, but once you start to look we bet you find some beauties!  You will notice different kinds of moss, each nurturing their place.  

Many people have recorded their explorations near and far from home. Through sketches, paintings, maps and photos we invite you to look closely, then make a record of your mossy adventure.

All you need is paper, a piece of charcoal, or a pencil or pen and just start playing with mark making.   Or you could use your phone to take photos, may be edit them later.  Anything will be a start to your creative journey, we all learn from having a go.

If you want to really get into mosses then there are organisations that promote knowledge and care for them.  Plantlife and British Bryological society hold more information.

We’d love you to share your moss inspired creativity on our Bury the Giant Club - we have a specific space on the Club for this challenge where you can share your drawings, paintings, textiles, photographs, sketches, poetry etc etc!

Bury the Giant Club is free to join and all are welcome to join this online community getting creative for a brighter greener future.


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