Marvellous mossy masterpieces!

The Art and Energy team have been experimenting with making terrariums - or perhaps we should we call them mossariums?! A terrarium is simply a glass container in which plants are grown.

We have been making moss themed terrariums in jars, trying old light bulbs plus unusual glass containers from the charity shops - thinking of all the possibilities! The list of materials to try out is longer than we thought - tweezers of all shapes and sizes, paper towel, rainwater spray, cutters, wire, clay and even our old favourite - milk bottle plastic. We will always use sustainable locally sourced materials and plants for these wonderful creations.

Whilst we create these mini mossy masterpieces, we are considering energy, different scales of life, ancient plant life, carbon sequestration and our place in the evolution of these mini worlds. There is definitely an art to it!

The mosses are amazingly interesting too. They know how to live through climate change, being 450 million years old, their primitive cellular leaves growing in ways to keep heat and moisture in, or able to practically dry out and still survive. These bryophytes have a massive impact but remain small, living on the boundary. What can we learn from them?

We will be delivering workshops, getting hands on with these tiny mosses and micro-places throughout the summer, as we test our new story “How to Bury the Giant”.

Please get in touch if you know about or like mosses, we would love to learn more about them, help to protect them and share what they do for our planet.


Art, Nature, Friends, Food


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