The Mossy Carpet in Sneinton, Nottinghamshire
All photos and video with thanks to Kathryn Cooper and St Stephen’s CofE Primary School
Earlier this year Art and Energy's Jenny travelled to Sneinton in Nottinghamshire to work with local artist Kathryn Cooper and the Mini Growers at Sowing Sneinton's community garden.
Jenny worked with an enthusiastic group of children from Sneinton St Stephen's CofE Primary School who were really inspired to learn more about mosses and get involved with The Mossy Carpet.
We ran a Zoom session first to introduce mosses and The Mossy Carpet and a few weeks later Jenny travelled to meet the youngsters in person. The group spent the whole term focusing on mossy learning with a varied programme of activities including a visit from a local British Bryological Society expert.
This short film from Kathryn really sums up the mossy learning and fun the group had together.
We loved working with you Kathryn and all the Mini Growers.
“It’s wonderful sitting and making pom poms together - which is relaxing, mindful and a lovely conversation starter.
It was perfect for some of our children who don’t usually thrive in a classroom setting and prefer hands on learning - and like to make things and observe from real life.”
“The children are very passionate about moss...Our children now know what a tardigrade is, what a rotifer is, some moss names, and lots of ways to mitigate climate change. They are also more aware of what the climate crisis and biodiversity loss is.
The children are now very much more confident with pipettes, microscopes and know how to use a hand lens. They all also know how to make a pom pom.”