Save Our Wild Isles Community Fund supports The Mossy Carpet

Art and Energy recently ran a successful Crowdfunding campaign for The Mossy Carpet artwork and our associated work. We were delighted to receive support from Save Our Wild Isles Community Fund which provided £12,086 of match funding for our work. The Save Our Wild Isles Community Fund is helping community groups across the UK take action for nature.

The Mossy Carpet is an artwork inspired by mosses and moorlands, you may think ‘but it’s just Art, that can’t really help our planet’... but how does our project help the environment?

Seeing and valuing mosses, touching, really taking notice of them opens up new ways and ideas to do more for nature and the eco-systems that we are all part of. It encourages actions. The Mossy Carpet will be celebrating existing activity and welcoming new.

The Moorland landscapes need regenerating, only a small proportion are in a good state - Climate change, drainage, grazing regimes and visitors have all played their part in this decline over recent years. There are wide open spaces on Dartmoor being slowly restored with people working diggers and other machinery, but there are many small areas which need a helping hand at moss and human scale. The funded workshops and events will always contain an invitation to get active and help restore the moor in many creative ways, from planting moss, creating pools and dams, embroidering and stuffing fleecy bunds.

Mosses are amazing!

At the dawn of time, moss was the first plant to venture out of the sea and onto the barren land.  Over millions of years, mosses trapped energy and buried carbon deep beneath the surface, transforming our planet into a place where life could thrive. 

Moss grows in the cracks, at the edges and in the shadows. Look closely and you will discover a truly wild place on your doorstep.

Each tiny moss reveals skills for successful living. Persistence, resilience, simplicity, adaptability. From moss we gain hope as they return carbon to the earth. 

There is so much to learn from nature. Though small, moss tells us that tiny actions can make a big difference. When we work together, we can bring abundance back to abandoned places. 

Our grateful thanks to the Save Our Wild Isles Community Fund for their financial support for our work.




Art and Energy feature on IUCN UK Peatland Programme’s Species Showcase all about Sphagnum moss