Run your own The Mossy Carpet sessions
We’ve developed this project to have multiple ways in - so we very much encourage you to tweak and adapt the following to suit your group. It may be that participants are already interested in plants and the natural world, in which case starting with the moss is likely to be a winner. With younger groups we often find that starting with a moss hunt outside helps to focus youthful energy.
Other groups may be more hooked by the making element - in which case dive into the woolly creativity with an invitation to look at mosses for inspiration. Then there’s always the intriguing tardigrade, the tech behind the audio, and of course the environmental message at the heart of the project. When discussing the latter we recommend being non-confrontational or judgmental so as not to stir up eco-anxiety which can be a barrier to participation.
Here’s just one model of a 2 hour session that we’ve found works well with a wide range of groups.
15 mins - introduction to the project - you may choose to share The Mossy Carpet project video
35 mins - looking closely at mosses - this could include a short moss hunt in the immediate vicinity, alternatively bring moss samples to look at through magnifiers. On a shared roll of paper invite participants to draw what they see. Discuss the amazing properties of moss and the roll they play in eco-systems. Begin to talk about small moss-like actions individuals are taking for a better world. You can find mossy activity sheets further down this page.
10 mins - Refreshment break
40 mins - The Mossy Make - create your own textile elements for the carpet, we’ve included some handy ‘how to’ videos below for some inspiration. You can make individual pieces or add your group creations to a piece of material (60 x 60 cm maximum size)
20 mins - discuss your tiny actions for making our world a better place and share these with us as a message or voicemail via our special Tardigrade Telephone (+44) 07460 488 650 or record directly to our website on our Tell the Tardigrade page.
Don’t forget to send us your creations to add to The Mossy Carpet (The Art and Energy Collective, PO Box 961, Exeter, EX1 9DF.) or visit The Mossy Make page for local drop off point details. We’d love to hear about who joined in and any feedback or outcomes from the session - this helps us to further develop the project and optimise experience.
How to guides for mossy pompoms and community textile pieces
How to make simple moss inspired woolly pompoms for The Mossy Carpet
How to create your own community piece for The Mossy Carpet
Mossy activity sheets & resources:
Downloadable free resources developed by the Art and Energy Collective to enhance your mossy creativity. It’s entirely up to you which you use depending on your group and available time. They are all A4 in black & white to reduce the impact of printing. Use the space on the poster to add details of your session - when, where, for whom etc!
Community piece case study:
Listen to the North Devon Craftivists talking about their community piece for The Mossy Carpet
The North Devon Craftivists made a beautiful mossy adorned square as a self lead activity. They attached their community piece to The Mossy Carpet when we visited Barnstaple Library.