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Celebrating moss forests and tardigrades (plus other tiny moss dwelling creatures) and our tiny positive actions

This online event will celebrate the world of moss forests and the tiny creatures dwelling within. We’ll learn more about tardigrades (also known as moss piglets or water bears) with a short talk by Ellis Moloney (PhD student at University of Plymouth).

We’ll be celebrating mossy forest inspired creativity with large charcoal drawings of moss, sharing more of our electron microscope images of mosses and our latest creations of stuffed tardigrades!

We'll also celebrate the tiny actions we are taking for a brighter greener future with our Tardigrade telephone which encourages people to #tellthetardigrade and leave a message with your positive actions for the planet.

This is our September event for the Bury the Giant Club, taking place on Monday 18th September, 6.30-7.30pm via Zoom.

All welcome to join us, please invite your friends and colleagues, you don't need to be a Bury the Giant Club member to join us but we hope you might consider signing up in the future.  Sign up for free to our Bury the Giant Club and be part of a creative community working for a brighter greener future.

Zoom code:

Meeting ID: 881 1623 4418

Passcode: members

15 September

Open Studio creative sessions: Making the Mossy Carpet

19 September

Creativity and Culture for a brighter greener Plymouth