In December 2022, Art and Energy ran a consultation event to share details and gather opinions on our new Bury the Giant.Club. We wanted to know what local organisations, community groups and our supporters would like from the Club and what would help them to engage with our new How to Bury the Giant project.

Hosted by the Sustainable Earth Institute at the University of Plymouth, we delivered a presentation about the Club and then encouraged attendees to make their own Bury the Giant badge and chat to each other whilst being creative.

Joining us on the day were representatives from our project partners - Plymouth Energy Community and FotoNow CIC. Plus staff from Rebel Botanists, University of Plymouth, our volunteer PEC Pals and local mural artist, Kate Crawfurd. We also welcome two of our new Art and Energy Board members - Paul Hardman and Dylan Beard.

We really enjoyed bringing so many people together, talking about our new project and listening to advice and opinions on how to take How to Bury the Giant and Bury the Giant. Club forward.

Bury the Giant. Club officially launched on 25th January 2023 and all are welcome to sign up and join us as Club members - it’s free to join, hosted by the Mighty Networks platform and we’d love to see you there!


Launching Bury the Giant Club


Introducing the PEC Pals