Introducing the PEC Pals
Through the summer and autumn of 2022 a new community formed in Plymouth - the PEC Pals!
Plymouth Energy Community invited people to come together to explore the world of energy through creative activity. Art and Energy came along to provide a creative spark, and together we had so much fun and came up with so many ideas. We will continue to get together to ask silly questions, share hints and tips, come up with wonderfully crazy ideas, and get creative together.

Activities over the next few months will see us:
Visit sites of interest such as the Energy from Waste and water treatment plants, plus a trip to a regenerative farm project.
Learning new skills as we create our own Solar Artworks - Join us here PEC Pals Solar Art workshop — The Art and Energy Collective
Investigate the potential of Dartmoor fleece for insulation and flood prevention.
Dream up ideas for engaging artworks which encourage conversation and interaction with our energy systems.
Check out our events page for opportunities to join in, or email us to find out more