In Moss and Moor growing experiments continue
Sphagnum from Challacombe Farm, Dartmoor.
Throughout the summer we grew a small amount of sphagnum from two places in Dartmoor. We planted the Harford Moor sphagnum sprouts back on the moor in an area which had been scraped and shaped by a special fossil fuel free digger.
We will be going back to see what difference it made. You will find the story here:
Growing moss is a creative process in itself. You get very attached to the small shoots that emerge.
With some schools and local community group’s help, we will grow some more and make fleecy felt that might hep protect damaged areas. Only 1% of Dartmoor’s peatlands are in a healthy state, and any support to regenerate them is really welcomed. If you want to help get in touch! Contact us at
So far we have trials growing on small amounts of soil from the site, on fleece from the sheep grazing the site, in felt nests from the site and on sterile sand. In the new year, children, youngsters and adults from schools and clubs on or near Dartmoor will get making and growing. They will be meeting the farmers and, working together, they will plant back later in the year in a celebratory and ceremonious event!
Thanks to our funders for supporting this work: