BAS9 - workshops, litterpick and more!
British Art Show 9 has been in Plymouth for two months… there are just a couple of weeks left to see it. Art and Energy’s Jenny has been busy in her ambassador role, encouraging people to visit the exhibition, offering an energy, materials and environment lens on the artworks, plus getting creative in response! She’s enjoyed exploring the BAS9 venues, and loved spending time as artist in residence at Plymouth Scrapstore.
Solar Gallery Workshops
During these free workshops we built and decorated solar powered illuminated art gallery kits and chatted about BAS9 and the joy of creativity.
Most of the workshops have been held at Plymouth Scrapstore, with one starting at the Scrapstore then moving round the corner to KARST art gallery. This has worked really well as participants can delve into the scrap materials for inspiration.
Some participants had already visited the exhibition and enjoyed sharing their experience, but the majority hadn’t felt that BAS9 was their thing. I was able to help answer accessibility questions and recommend artworks that I felt they would particularly connect to. As a result the majority of participants went away with plans to visit BAS9.
Each individual decorated their Solar Gallery differently. We talked a lot about the enjoyment of getting creative, upcycling materials and how solar works. They left with encouragement to keep redecorating their solar gallery to provide enjoyment for many months to come.
I particularly enjoyed the Solar Galleries created by the Scrapstore volunteers. These wonderful people give their time to ensure the smooth running of this fantastic organisation, so it was great to give them the opportunity to take a break from sorting, tidying and packing to relaxed making and chatting together.

BAS9 Litterpick with Clean Our Patch
On Thursday 1st December we held a BAS9 litterpick. Participants met outside The Box, visited the St Lukes and Levinsky galleries to explore selected artworks, then litterpicked our way through Plymouth City Center, spotting creative projects along the way, to the Scrapstore and on to KARST.
We enjoyed thinking about how art can be used to educate and create gentle protest, collected a significant amount of litter, and enjoyed chatting about our own creative responses to the climate emergency.
A huge thank you to: Joe Lyward from The Box, Ash and co from community litterpickers Clean Our Patch and Mary Emma at the Levinsky gallery who made us artemisanin tea!

Artist in residence at Plymouth Scrapstore
Throughout BAS9, I’ve spent a day a week at Plymouth Scrapstore. It’s such a fascinating place… from the myriad of materials, the majority donated by individuals and industry… to the visitors who come in with an idea of what they’re looking for but often leave with unexpected treasure… the Scrapstore volunteers and team who are passionate about creativity, play, upcycling and community… the weird synchronicity of requests and donations… and the wonderful kindness that I’ve witnessed and felt a part of.
I’ve mostly spent my time chatting with people about BAS9 (and all sorts of other stuff to!), creating a window display, running the workshops above, and beginning to respond to the BAS9 artworks through the materials I’ve found. I feel so privileged to have had this opportunity as Plymouth Scrapstore’s first Artist in Residence. I really hope there are opportunities for more to do so in the future!

To summarise…
When I heard that BAS9, a ‘Contemporary Art Exhibition’ was coming to Plymouth I didn’t feel like it was something for me… even though I loosely use the term artist to describe myself. A chance conversation led to the opportunity to partner with Plymouth Scrapstore, and a plan was formed… a plan that has morphed and changed along the way… a plan that has seen me grow in confidence in my approach to contemporary art… a plan that has led to so much fun and creativity!
Thank you to Jane, Joy, Neil, Mizzy, Megan, Charolotte and everyone at Plymouth Scrapstore for making me feel welcome and putting up with my causing artistic chaos in your midst!
Thank you to Joe Lyward who co-ordinated all of us Plymouth ambassadors, to the BAS9 venues (especially KARST!) and all of the other Plymouth ambassadors… I can’t wait to see how many of our other crazy ideas come to fruition!