Art and Energy visit Conrad Energy in Plympton, Plymouth

Art and Energy recently visited Conrad Energy at their Plymouth Power Generation Plant in Plympton, Plymouth.

We have two team members based in Plympton and Art and Energy’s Jenny has been curious about the power plant and what goes on behind the closed gates for some time!

We got in touch to see if we could visit this flexible generation site for a mini guided tour and to find out more.

We met Will who showed us around the plant - we got to see the two generators which use natural gas to generate energy for the local community. These generators are only in use when there is increased demand on the national grid and they can generate enough energy to power ~8,000 - 10,000 local homes & businesses. The power plant is mainly in use at times of high demand (morning/evening) or special days such as Christmas time but it can also be in demand on cloudy or still days when energy generation from solar and wind is minimal. The longer term aim for the future is to move these generators to run on hydrogen.

Many thanks to Will and Conrad Energy for our tour and answering all our questions!


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